Festive multicolored sparkling 2019 New Year date with fiery trails lighting up the night sky with copy space for your seasonal holiday greeting


Last night I was asked what my new year goals were and I said I usually don’t set New Year Goals for 1st January. I set them for my birthday as that is what my new year is. However! One thing I know for sure is, HAPPINESS is an ultimate achievement for me. Anything I decide to do, I will ask myself, “How happy will this make me. How will this decision/action make me happy? If it won’t, I am not getting involved in it”. So that’s one!
Then I wake up to a DM saying “I’m anxiously waiting for the monthly hashtags for 2019! ❤” I smiled. This year will be 12 female names that steal my heart from various parts of the world.
As I am in Dubai today, I will go for JUMEIRAH , a name I once said I will give to my daughter. It simply means BEAUTIFUL
If you have ever been to the coast of Dubai, you would find that it is no strange name. From the upmarket hospitality brand Jumeirah and its hotels to educational institutions too.
The original word in the spoken language is Qumeirah , which over time became Jumeirah.
And of course, there are the Jumeirah Janes, a catchphrase to describe pampered wives of wealthy expats living in the suburbs of Jumeirah.
Persons born with the name Jumeirah are said to have an air of self love. They are easy going people and are an origin of creativity. They love to be creative at every stage of their lives.

J is for jewel, the sparkle in your eye.
U is for upstanding, your inner-self.
M is for musical, your hidden talent!
E is for enrich, a quality you share.
I is for intriguing, arousing the curiosity of others.
R is for rely, everyone’s trustworthy friend.
A is for angelic, a truly pure heart.
H is for heavenly, your spirit is strong.

#HappyNewMonth #HappyNewYear#Beautiful #Jumeirah #January#ThinkMahogany #2019MonthlyThemes #ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes #JumeirahJanuary



As I mentioned last month, this year will be 12 female names that steal my heart from various parts of the world.

In January, we had Jumeirah from Dubai

Companion; friend; vision of beauty; that of a loving kindness… That Hebrew name Ruth is what I am going for this month. I always imagined it as Rhema-Ruth, a double barrelled name 🙂 but let us focus on Ruth whose character I fell in love with when reading the Bible.

The book of Ruth in the Bible is where God showed grace to all people. The story took place at the time of the Judges in Israel, a time when the Bible says the people of Israel were disobedient to God. Although Ruth was not born a Jew, she married into a Hebrew family and followed their God.

The Book of Ruth is big on loyalty.  A quality I strongly admire.

The lady Ruth, expressed qualities such as compassion, unfailing devotion, respect, grace, honesty, integrity, generosity, wholesomeness, virtue, honor, and kindness to name just a few.  Complete beauty if you ask me.

And then God also said in Ruth 3:11, “And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All the people of my town know that you are a woman of noble character.”

If God should do for us all we ask….. He is indeed Faithful!

#HappyNewMonth #Ruth #February #ThinkMahogany

#2019MonthlyThemes #ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes 


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Still on favourite female names from around the world, call me old fashion but I will call my baby girls Grace any day!
In January, we had Jumeirah from Dubai.
In February, we had Ruth from Israel.
In March, we have Grace from the Roman Empire.
The meaning of the name Grace is Charm. The origin of the name Grace is Latin. Inspired by grace: eloquence or beauty of form, kindness, mercy and favor, which is derived from the Latin gratia (favor, thanks, gratitude). The name was made popular by 17th-century Puritans, who bestowed it in reference to God’s favor and love toward mankind.
What does it mean to have grace?
Grace is God’s unmerited favor – His goodness towards those who have no claim on, nor reason to expect, divine favor. The principal manifestation of God’s grace is in the form of a gift. Grace is offered through the mercy and love of Jesus Christ. “…Where would I be? If not for your grace!… For your grace that restores, Grace that redeems, Grace that releases me to worship, Grace that repairs visions and dreams, Grace that releases miracles, Your grace…”
#HappyNewMonth #Grace #March#ThinkMahogany

Screenshot 2019-05-01 at 10.04.59MAWULOM APRIL

In January, we had Jumeirah from Dubai.
In February, we had Ruth from Israel.
In March, we had Grace from the Roman Empire.
In April, we have Mawulom from the Ewe Tribe in #Ghana dubbed #Ayigbe#Number9 🇬🇭 which I proudly belong to 👸 .

For many years, I have mentioned my liking for Mawulom which means God Loves Me.
How precious is your unfailing love, O God! – Psalm 36:7
I don’t have the words to describe how I feel when I think about the #Mercy#Kindness and #Love #God has shown me. Even as I write this, my heart bursts with unquantifiable joy, feeling butterflies in my stomach whilst my eyes tear up. Who am I? Often plays on my mind. My thoughts and actions may make me unworthy but He has never forsaken me.
With this name, Mawulom, be reminded each day of:
Romans 5:8 – But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
John 15:13 – Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
Jeremiah 31:3 – The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”
Simply put! Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever. – Psalm 136:26
May this new month prove God’s love for you! Amen! .

#HappyNewMonth #Mawulom #April#ThinkMahogany #GodLovesMe


“Job 10:12 – You have granted me life and lovingkindness; And Your care has preserved my spirit.” No number of breaths taken will ever be enough to even say thank you.
This is my month of gratitude for the God given life that I am privileged to live by Grace.
May is one of my favourite months. January because that’s when I was born, March because it is always a gracious month for me, May because a lot of good things happen to me in May and October because both my brothers celebrate their birthdays then and it is a great Autumn month. My month of love 💙Zoe is a girl’s name of Greek origin meaning “LIFE”. For this, I chose Zoe, a God given life

#HappyNewMonth #Zoe #May#ThinkMahogany #GodsGivenLife
#2019MonthlyThemes#ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes #ZoeMay

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Olivia another name that lays on my heart!  Biblically, Olivia is derived from the Olive Tree which is a symbol of fruitfulness, beauty, and dignity and Olivia symbolize peace.

The Name Berry experts said that Olivia, a lovely Shakespearean name with an admirable balance of strength and femininity, is one of the top girls’ names in the world. Olivia is a megapopular name not only in the US but in the UK, Australia, Canada, and throughout the Western World. Olivia is currently the Number 2 name for baby girls in the US, and could be heading towards the very top of the list — so don’t say we didn’t warn you. It’s the undisputed queen of the only four girl names starting with O in the US Top 1000.

In the UK, Olivia was the recent Number 1 girls’ name in tandem with twin brother Oliver at the top of the charts. It is still the top girls’ name in Canada and Number 4 in both Australia and Scotland.

Olivia was first popularized by Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night as the name of the pampered, wealthy countess. In ancient Greece, the olive was a symbol of Athena as well as a token of peace and fertility, and olive wreaths were awarded to the winners at the Olympic games.

Olivia has been a popular starbaby name for fifteen years, and has also been a well-used TV character name, such as in Olivia Benson on Law & Order SVU and the recent powerful lead Olivia Pope on Scandal. He he he

#HappyNewMonth #Olivia #June #ThinkMahogany
#2019MonthlyThemes#ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes  #OliviaJune

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It’s been a sensitive rollercoaster lately, with a series of tribulations but through it all, I tried to stay as strong as possible and be there as much as I could for the people who rely on me but its certainly not been easy.  They take but hardly ask what you need.  But that is life.  When you are meant to be the strong one, whom do you run to?  Where do you find a soul to run into? I needed a name that represented staying courageous and resilient despite the struggles.  And even when you have no help, you push push push as hard as you can.  Some days, you don’t even want to get out of bed, but you remember all that can get lost without you.  That’s me again putting others first whilst trying to survive through my difficult circumstances.

I found the perfect name for the doom days of summer, which has come to its end.  Heather! Which means selfless and caring, survives, thrives even in difficult circumstances and it originates from Scotland.  Did you know I was half Scottish?

Now let me share with you the story of Heather, the plant.

When God had created the world, He looked at the bare hillsides and decided that a plant was needed to beautify the slopes.

He asked the giant Oak, strongest of all trees, but he declined saying that the soil was too shallow for him to take root and flourish.

God then approached the yellow-flowered Honeysuckle to see if she would spread her beauty and fragrance throughout the hills. She too refused because there was nothing in the inhospitable terrain against which she could grow.

The Rose, sweetest of all the flowers, was God’s next choice. However she explained that she would not be able to survive the hillside’s bitter winds and driving rain.

Disappointed, God turned away and chanced upon a small low lying green shrub with tiny petals; some purple, some white.


God asked the Heather, “Will you grow upon the hillsides to make them more beautiful?”

The Heather reflected on the poor soil and harsh climate and was not sure whether she could do the job, but to God’s delight, replied that if He wanted her to try, she would do her best.

God was so pleased with the Heather that He decided to bestow three gifts on her.

The strength of the Oak – the bark of the Heather is stronger than that of any other tree or shrub.

The fragrance of the Honeysuckle – the Heather’s gentle fragrance is used to perfume soaps, potpourris, and cosmetics.

The sweetness of the Rose – the sweetness of the Heather makes her one of the bee’s favourite flowers.

And to this day Heather is renowned for these three God-given gifts as she fulfills her God-given task.

Heather can represent admiration, beauty and good luck, and it can also be associated with solitude and protection.

#HappyNewMonth #Heather #July #ThinkMahogany

#2019MonthlyThemes #ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes #HeatherJuly




Besides it being this month, the name August in itself signifies reverence, or holding someone in high regard.  August is an adjective which means respected and impressive.  My mother was born on 1stAugust Jso its no doubt that this month is one of those that I look forward to the most and it stands for “well thought of”.  Typically, August is a more common baby name for boys than for girls.  In 2016, there were 222 female Augusts versus the 2,076 male Augusts born in the same year. August hit its peak popularity as a baby name in 2016, according to the American Social Security Administration.

The 2019 Think Mahogany theme is to have 12 female names that steal my heart from various parts of the world, one for each month starting with #Jumeirah for January, then #Ruth, #Grace, #Mawulom, #Zoe, #Olivia, #Heather and now #Debra !

I bet you didn’t see my name coming.  Debra is a variant spelling of the name Deborah. According to the Holy Bible, a heroine, a prophetess and judge who led the Israelites to victory over the Canaanites.  She summoned Barak to battle against an army of invaders. After the battle she wrote a victory song which is part of the Book of Judges.

In Hebrew, the name means Bee. Bees in Judaism and Christianity symbolise the hopes for a happy and healthy new year. In Christianity, the bee has historically been seen as a symbol of Jesus Christ’s attributes. The honey reflecting his sweet and gentle character, whilst the sting pertaining to justice and the cross. The bee symbolizes community, brightness and personal power.

Bees are also a symbol of wealth, good luck and prosperity since Ancient times. Charms in the shape of a honey bee are said to be good luck for attracting wealth. The same goes for coins with a honey bee symbol.

Next time you see a Debra, smile.

#HappyNewMonth #Debra #August #ThinkMahogany

#2019MonthlyThemes #ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes #DebraAugust



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Zuri is the #Swahili name for “beautiful” and other definitions are good, nice, pretty, lovely, cute and attractive.
Keeping it simple, I love this name for all that it means 💙

#HappyNewMonth #Zuri #September  #ThinkMahogany #2019MonthlyThemes #ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes #ZuriSeptember


Screenshot 2019-10-01 at 15.05.54Its October!!!!! And you guys know how I feel about this month.
I LOVE IT!!! 🍂❣
Girl name for this month is Roberta! Roberta is the female form of the masculine name Robert that is Germanic in origin and means,
My brothers were both born in October, one of the reasons why I get so excited about this month. My younger brother is Robert, named by our Scottish father after Robert the Bruce, a National Hero and King of Scotland after the Scottish Wars of Independence.
I chose Roberta for obvious reasons.
For its meaning 😉 and for who it represents. A hero!

#HappyNewMonth #Roberta #October #ThinkMahogany #2019MonthlyThemes #ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes  #RobertaOctober



Screenshot 2019-11-03 at 12.21.40The name Evangeline is a greek female name meaning: Good news, bringer of good news.
Will keep this caption short and straight to the point.
It is my prayer that this new month of November brings nothing but good news.

#HappyNewMonth #Eva #Evangeline#November #ThinkMahogany #2019MonthlyThemes #ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes #EvaNovember


Baby Jo


Last week Wednesday (27thNovember 2019) my heart was broken and I still feel the pain just as new and each day hasn’t been the same since.  Everyday I think of you my darling Baby Jo. When thoughts of you cross my mind, I feel a sharp piercing in my heart and I feel cold.  I am 6 days late on my Monthly Theme because I haven’t been able to gather the courage to accept that you are gone and I am dedicating this month of December to you.  Before I started typing this, I thought I would have a lot to say and here I am, once again lost for words.

Joanne Ata-Bedu @VogueAfrik I miss you.  You loved me and proved it over and over again.  We didn’t always agree on certain things but I always knew it came from a good place.  You cared about me and were protective of me.

In September 2017 you said to me “Debbie, you are always supporting people with Breast Cancer, HIV, Mental Health and all that but you don’t do anything for Sickle Cell. I am your sister and you don’t do anything to support Sickle Cell.” (Still hearing that voice in my ear that day on the phone)  I responded “Oh Baby Jo, you are right.  Don’t worry. You have my support with Sickle Cell and let me know what you want me to do.  On 25thSeptember 2017 (2 years ago) I created the Social Media Page for @SCDAwareness_Ghana #SCDAwarenessGhanato educate on #SickleCellDisease(SCD) and focus on the need for treatment and support in #Ghana.  I have been consistent since and I started this because of  you!  I promised you I would support you and glad you saw me start working on my promise.  I will do my best Jo.  I will.  You were more than a sister to me.  I love you. I always will.  #RIPJoAnne

#HappyNewMonth #JoAnne #December #ThinkMahogany #2019MonthlyThemes #ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes  #JoDecember

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