It was declared that we will experience a shift into victory this year 2021

Let’s keep this one simple: Prayer + Faith = Shifts In Circumstances

It is January For Victory …. #WeMove



You will be the head, and not the tail ….

Above and not beneath ….

What we are going through will work out for us ….

Every good thing will fall in place this month ….

We will experience goodness … AMEN

#JanuaryOfVictory– January 2021 – We came out victorious

#OvercomeInFebruary – February 2021 – We will overcome all the challenges that will be thrown at us 

“If you listen to these commands of the LORD your God that I am giving you today, and if you carefully obey them, the LORD will make you the head and not the tail, and you will always be on top and never at the bottom.” Deuteronomy 28:13

“However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.” 1 Peter 4:16 

“Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 

#HappyNewMonth #February #February2021 #2021 #Overcome #ToOvercome #Overcame #ThinkMahogany #2021MonthlyThemes #ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes 


It’s a new month and here is the usual #ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes .  Did you know that I have been doing monthly themes since the year 2014!  7 YEARS of putting each month into a purposeful drive.  

Staying consistent to something that you are not accountable to anyone for, and remaining committed to something that you are not getting paid to do, without fail for 7 years straight with no excuses shows the characters of the individual as:

Responsible and Thoughtful | Reliable and Submissive | Faithful and Loyal | Selfless and Generous

So imagine if I was actually getting paid to do this!  Imagine if I was reporting my expectations to a boss!

Not to say I am flawless.  I am a major work in progress but I have learnt to spare God my ear, to listen to instructions and through following the instructions, serve God.

I threw that in, just to provoke your thoughts on how you handle things that you are not accountable for and are not getting paid to do.  Reflect on that.  It will boil down to your personality and outlook on life.  Do you like the person in the mirror?  

The theme for this month of March 2021 is Change.  We must learn to change from the ways that are not a reflection of the person we want to be.  Is my inability to change because I just don’t want to make the effort? Is my inability to change because of situations I find myself in?  

Know this:  Prayer Triggers Everything, Situations Will Change!

Psalm 65:2 You who answer prayer, to you all people will come. (NIV)

#ChangeInMarch – Situations will change for our benefit.  Bad will become good, good will become better! Amen

Reflect, Pray and Go for gold.  You deserve it.

“Our actions will be in sync with God’s will.  We will be anxious for nothing.  We will not look back and turn to the old.

We will have new dreams, new dominations. We will encounter change, we will gain power!” #KennyvilleElevation

#JanuaryOfVictory– January 2021 – We came out victorious

#OvercomeInFebruary – February 2021 – We will overcome all the challenges that will be thrown at us 

#HappyNewMonth #March #March2021 #2021 #Change #ChangeIsHere #2021MonthlyThemes  #ThinkMahogany#IYWWDJ #DebraJane #Impact


#AprilOfPurpose – April 2021 – As March was coming to an end, I asked myself a few times what the best theme for April would be.  I woke up to “Every detail of who you are was designed for the purposes of God“ on 31st March and then on 1st April I woke up to: “You want to be tools in the hands of God, to be used for His good purposes” and it went straight to my heart, BOOM!  

PURPOSE – Question here is, What does God say about our purpose?  God Himself has a purpose for us.  He has numbered our days and will fulfill every purpose He has for us.  Now, the honours is on us to also discover and understand the purpose for our lives and live it in abundance!

Our life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of our life – the reasons we get up in the morning. Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning

Ref:  https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/what-life-purpose

7 Steps to Find Your God Given Purpose in Life

  1. Turn To The Bible
  2. Pray For Direction
  3. Follow The Will Of God
  4. Promises Of God
  5. Living A Purpose Driven Life
  6. How To Apply God’s Purpose In Your Life
  7. A Personal Challenge

Ref: https://kevintpayne.com/the-simple-guide-to-find-your-god-given-purpose-in-life/

7 Strategies That Can Help Find Your Purpose So You Can Begin Living A More Meaningful Life.

  1. Donate Time, Money, or Talent
  2. Listen to Feedback
  3. Surround Yourself With Positive People
  4. Start Conversations With New People 
  5. Explore Your Interests
  6. Consider Injustices That Bother You
  7. Discover What You Love to Do 

Ref:  https://www.verywellmind.com/tips-for-finding-your-purpose-in-life-4164689

Here with 5 of my favourite quotes on living a Life of Purpose and no they are not biblical.

“Musicians must make music, artists must paint, poets must write if they are ultimately to be at peace with themselves. What humans can be, they must be.” ―Abraham Maslow

“It’s not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something.” ―Winston S. Churchill

“The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.” ―Fyodor Dostoyevsky

“The heart of human excellence often begins to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you, or gives you a sense of meaning, joy, or passion.” ―Terry Orlick

“People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.” ―Dalai Lama

#HappyNewMonth #April #April2021 #2021 #Purpose #PurposeDrivenLife  #LiveYourPurpose #LiveByPurpose #ServeYourPurpose #ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes #2021MonthlyThemes #ThinkMahogany #DebraJane #IYWWDJ 


April surely ended in a very unexpected way.

Its been a turbulence of picking:

Peace over drama,

Distance over disrespect,

Honesty over kindness,

Silence over words,

Maturity over emotions,

Sanity over endurance,

Commitment over choices.

In the turn of things,

God revealed to redeem.

And when He redeemed,

His grace abound!

It was then declared: “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8

Much of how we experience turbulence is subjective.

May 1st 2021 – “Yes, I will trust the promises of God.” Psalm 56.3

The #2021MonthlyThemes so far have been:

#JanuaryOfVictory– January 2021 – We came out victorious

#OvercomeInFebruary – February 2021 – We will overcome all the challenges that will be thrown at us 

#ChangeInMarch – March 2021 – We must learn to change from the ways that are not a reflection of the person we want to be.

#AprilOfPurpose – April 2021 – God has a purpose for us. The honour is on us to discover, understand and fulfil it.

#HappyNewMonth #May #May2021 #2021 #Declaration #ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes #ThinkMahogany #DebraJane #IYWWDJ #MayOfDeclaration


5 days later but never too late.  @kennyville_elevation said this month the Reset button has been hit. Things will turn in our favor in Jesus name….. AMEN!

So for June…. A lot of times we settle for less, we sell ourselves short, we allow people to take advantage of us, we accept being spoken to in a demeaning manner, we don’t price our services what they are worth, we give undeserving discounts, we give too much out for free, we write off debts we know we worked hard for, we love the wrong people, we help people who are conning, we are in One-sided friendship, we allow people in our space that we have no business associating ourselves with and more!

Here with the task.  You are encouraged to look at the situations in your life, look at how far you have come, how hard you have worked, the sacrifices you have made, the prices you have paid, how much you have invested in yourself, how hard you have prayed, how much you have loved and revalue yourself.  Reassess your value again and reposition yourself to suit.

The #2021MonthlyThemes so far have been:

#JanuaryOfVictory– January 2021 – We came out victorious

#OvercomeInFebruary – February 2021 – We will overcome all the challenges that will be thrown at us 

#ChangeInMarch – March 2021 – We must learn to change from the ways that are not a reflection of the person we want to be.

#AprilOfPurpose – April 2021 – God has a purpose for us.  The honour is on us to discover, understand and fulfil it.

#MayOfDeclaration – May 2021 – Much of how we experience turbulence is subjective.  “Yes, I will trust the promises of God.” Psalm 56.3

#HappyNewMonth #June #June2021 #2021 #Reset  #Revalue #ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes#ThinkMahogany #DebraJane #IYWWDJ #Opportunities #Capacity 

#GodOfAnswers #RevalueJune 


At the beginning of this year, one of my very good friends gifted me these 3 hand made/personalised throw pillows spelling:


Which are on constant display in my bedroom. However, halfway through the year, I started to get anxious about what the future holds for me.

Whilst pouring my fears out on to a listening heart, my friend said to me: “Dee, don’t be too busy chasing what you don’t have to forget what you have. Do you know how much you have achieved? How many people your age are running businesses and are able to pay workers? Look at the number of people you have given jobs to in your life and paid them? The impact you have created! You have raised so many leaders. You have done so well for yourself Dee. Your 40th should be about Gratitude”
I sighed and said “you are right! Why am I so nervous?”

Mind you earlier in the day I was speaking to an older lady friend who said “If your life was different, you wont be who you are, impacting so many people in different ways. God is using you to fulfil His purpose. Dont start searching for alternatives”

The very next day, I told a friend who said I am living my best life that “The best is yet to come” and her response was: “A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles”.

On 1st July, another friend’s status hit me with “You can be anything you want in this world just don’t be “ungrateful”

At this point, I knew God was speaking to me so loudly. Telling me to stop being anxious, to stop looking outside my scope and be Grateful. July’s theme can only be one thing…GRATITUDE. It has hit me so hard, singing this song for the rest of the year. January 2022 is already down to be #StillGratitudeSeason for that is how I plan on starting the new year which ushers in a new decade in my life. #GratitudeD40

“Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:39 NIV

The #2021MonthlyThemes so far have been:

JanuaryOfVictory– January 2021 – We came out victorious

OvercomeInFebruary – February 2021 – We will overcome all the challenges that will be thrown at us 

ChangeInMarch – March 2021 – We must learn to change from the ways that are not a reflection of the person we want to be.

AprilOfPurpose – April 2021 – God has a purpose for us.  The honour is on us to discover, understand and fulfil it.

MayOfDeclaration – May 2021 – Much of how we experience turbulence is subjective.  “Yes, I will trust the promises of God.” Psalm 56.3

RevalueJune – June 2021 – Reassess your value again and reposition yourself to suit. Know your worth!

HappyNewMonth #July #July2021 #2021 #Gratitude #Gratefulness #Grateful #Thankful #Thankfulness #ThinkMahoganyMonthlyThemes #ThinkMahogany #DebraJane #IYWWDJ #JulyForGratitude

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