Cake Lady Jane

I know I promised that Cake Lady Jane will come back much sooner than it has but I think three days is not too long to bear.

So I received the following comments after the first attempt:

“Loving the blog Debs!!!” “Congratulation….well done!” “Nice work, Deb! :-)” “Not, for the faint hearted’ “mi love it…………” “Love it! When’s the next blog up? Keep me updated!”

“Good job Debs. I am a fan of cake cupcakes and all things sweet. I mean that last part explains why we’re friends right? :P”

“Very entertaining, even though I almost chocked on my food whilst reading! It’s also given me an idea for your next birthday cake. That’s all I’m going to say about it for now ;-)”

“Well I must say ‘the date with Charlie’ was worth not baking lol. Waiting for more Debbie. Maybe you should offer us your perspective on the different flavours”

“Well done… I traded my voice????? lmao”

Is this encouraging or what? I am sure you could guess who the last three comments were from. I am guessing my next birthday cake from Frimpomaa of Sweet Cakes by Frimpsey won’t be a Nikon Camera but a 50 Shades of Grey Book Cake. At least the only side effects from eating the book and not reading the book is weight gain and satisfaction as opposed to getting horny and no satisfaction.  Hmmm I would be damned to go for the latter.

Marmette of Kakes and Bakes suggests that I offer my perspective on the different flavours of cakes. I think tonight, I will do that.  I also found the ideal picture to get me started.  If you squint hard enough, you will be able to read the message on the picture which says: “Sometimes a wedding cake is more than just something to slice and eat – it’s a work of art that deserves some praise and recognition for being exceptionally unusual, modern, or simply plain old pretty. So hats off to the talented local designers who created the impressive cakes on these pages.” You may ignore the price tag that says $9.50 per slice 100 servings. Apparently in America, wedding cakes are priced by the number of servings. For $9.50 I will expect a huge neatly cut triangular cake served on a side plate and not a cube of cake served in tissue or a cake box. The minimum number of guests at Ghanaian weddings which I have worked on so far has been 150 and I recently got a call to give a quote for 800 guests. $9.50 by 800….$7,600 for a wedding cake. Not in Ghana!



Coming up are 5 designed wedding cakes, in different flavours by different cake makers.  I tasted all of them! He he he….in my naughty laugh.

The concept of wedding cakes.  You would be amazed to know that the original concept of the wedding cakes find its traces in the ancient Roman Empire. The wedding cake was perhaps not at its best then by our standards. Unlike the sweet iced cakes which we now love to savor, cakes then were made of whole wheat flour. Though the preparation and decoration of the wedding cake was done differently at this time, it still enjoyed the same attention and focus.

Lets begin with this 4 tiers wedding cake by Kakes and Bakes.


This was served at a wedding I decorated and coordinated.  The colours were white, lilac, purple and silver. Neatly done and placed. Taste? Yummy!!! Marmette’s cakes are soft, fluffy and tasteful. I heard that is how American cakes are as opposed to British cakes which are more caked in texture. For a long time, my favorite cake flavour from Kakes and Bakes was the Baileys but I recently discovered that the Strawberry and Vanilla did wonders to my taste buds.  Not every cake maker can make unexciting Strawberry Cakes and Vanilla Cakes so trendy.

Following is the 6 tiers wedding cake by Fairy Dust Cakes.


The tiers were made of Baileys Chocolate Cakes and Red Velvet Cakes.  Of course I contributed to the choosing of these flavours.  I planned, decorated and coordinated this wedding and my suggestions mattered to the bride.  Maataa of Fairy Dust Cakes makes the best Red Velvet Cakes. Please note that everyone is subject to their own opinion but here is the case where I am the appointed Judge on this panel. Her Baileys Chocolate Cakes are equally delicious.  The difference between her Baileys Cakes and Marmette’s Baileys Cakes is; Maataa’s has chocolate in it and hers is not as fluffy as Marmette’s.  Oh allow me to add that her Fruit Cakes are very very good! I wasn’t a big fan of Fruit Cakes until I tasted the ones that she made to be served as wedding favours. They were moist, tasty and not burnt!

Then comes along a wedding cake by Sweet Cakes by Frimpsey.


Here she made a combination of different flavoured cupcakes arranged under the top tier cake. I did the décor for this wedding. Frimpomaa is never impressed when a client orders a plain Vanilla Cake.  She swears that they are not creative enough. I will say that her Vanilla with Baileys Buttercream Cakes are my favourite.  She once made me a Lemon Chiffon Cake and that was awesome!


The pretty cake above is by Dream Desserts.  A company reputable for its wedding cakes.  I have worked on a number of weddings where they made the cakes such as the one in this picture. I will never fault them on design. Well not yet. Very neat with amazing finishing touches. No design misses its curves. Taste? Hmmm… interestingly enough, I have always only tasted their fruit cakes so I will leave the judging on this one for next time. But! One of the brides for which I did the wedding décor, who has now become my friend and the mother of a baby girl who has stolen my heart, Zinnia said “their cakes melt in your mouth. It was nicer than I expected and it made a pleasant surprise when I arrived at the wedding reception”.


The concluding judgment is on a wedding cake by Cake Gallery Fine Things. I remember the first time I tasted their cake. It was at the ReneeQ Beauty & Fashion and RVQ Photo Studio Launch. Every bite of that Vanilla Cake sent me 10 feet higher into the blues. Moist, fluffy, delicious! I have also tasted their Chocolate Cake and for someone who doesn’t like Chocolate Cakes, I did not complain. Recently, I tasted a wedding cake they made for one of the weddings I did décor for and coordinated and the Vanilla Cake wasn’t what I was quite expecting. It wasnt as soft and tasty. Try their Chocolate Fudge Cake with fresh fruits. My oh my!

It is 11:43 pm and I believe that most of you are cuddled up in your comfy beds sleeping and not online “face booking”.  Based on that assumption, I am signing off with this image to welcome you in the morning.


See you back here soon!!!


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  1. Debbie I love love your blog….loved reading all your posts really really good 🙂


  2. LOVE IT……!!!! GOOD JOB.


  3. hehehe would u take me along with u cake tasting……………u know i have good taste buds


  4. Awesome piece…keep them coming…. and please…if you can include details on where to contact all these delectable women doing amazing things with cakes it would help…so that when we are planning events…we will simply be rottenly spoilt for choice!!!! Thank you and God bless you my love….


  5. Please send me price list of your wedding cake and how long it will take you to complete a wedding cake


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